During lunch break yesterday, I went uptown to sit in on a Cantonese class I'm thinking about taking. Shortly after the second bus stop, I saw a crowd on Xiadu Rd, a street near my house. Usually crowds on a street side are a sign of a fight, an arrest or an accident. A few seconds later I saw the doctors raise a stretcher through the crowd towards an ambulance a couple of meters away. On the stretcher was a kid, a teenage laying on his side with blood on his chest. One man was assisting in the kids position on the stretcher, helping put his very limp leg into position. I was shocked and started yelling expletives from my seat on the bus. As our bus sped away I lost view of the scene and was unable to tell what exactly happened. The poor kid was a middle school student wearing a white and green uniform. Blood was coming out of an area in between his neck and chest, I couldn't tell if he'd been hit or attacked.
When I went by the spot on the way home there was no crowd, but still a police van. I got my answer to the incident when I did a news search this morning. Apparently the kid was a seventh grader from a nearby school, on his way to lunch when he got hit by a small car. He was taken to the hospital but tragically the wounds to his head and neck were too severe. Damn.
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年07月09日01:03 金羊网-新快报
新快报讯 (记者 尹政军 实习生 林淑芳 李庆)昨日中午12时许,在海珠区下渡路乐涛苑路段一学校附近,一名初一学生横穿马路被一辆小车撞伤,该生头部与颈部多处受伤,幸同学急忙拨打120,受伤学生经抢救后已无大碍。据目击者刘先生称,事发时这名学生正横穿马路,一辆速度较快的小车刹车不及,一下子将其撞倒。
据称,当时该学生下嘴唇破裂,鲜血直流,头部、脸 部和颈部多处受伤。“有同学立即拨打了120。”在医院记者看到了受伤学生。据悉,他是一名初一学生,事发时刚参加完学校的期末考试。据接诊医生介绍,他 的头部和脸部均有多处外伤,但已无生命危险。
Junior One Male Student Loses Life Crossing the Street
This just in (reporter Jun Zhengzhun, interns Lin Jiaofang and Li Qing). Yesterday at noon about 12pm, in the Haizhu District at Xiadu Rd and Letaoyuan Rd near a school, a seventh grader was crossing the street when he was hit by a small car. The student's head and neck area were injured. A classmate immediately dialed 120. Despite a rush to help the student, he was unable to be saved.
According to a witness named Mr. Liu, the event happened just as the student was just crossing the street, when a rather fast car was unable to break in time. In a split second the student was knocked over, his lip was split open and fresh blood flowed from his injuries. His head, face and neck had open wounds. "Some classmates immediately dialed 120." Once in the hospital this reporter was able to see the student. It is reported that he is a Junior 1 student (seventh grader) and had just completed his final exam for the semester. According to the hospital emergency unit, his head and face had open wounds, and they were unable to save his life from danger.
(reported by: an anonymous individual. Reward: 50 Yuan)
wow. you really need to enable the spam blocker features in your comments section. I think the Commie Censors are punishing you with lottery comments.
Greetings David A ! This is an old friend from high school - VERA reed, writing you from Chapel Hill.
How's it goin'? Are you happy in China? I want to see China too!
In the meantime, I also have 2 blogspots I created while at the art dpt. in UNCG last fall, you can check out.
They are called verasunshine.blogspot.com as well as veramoonshine.blogspot.com
It's art I was doing then, and some of the words are in italiano.
Anywho...my e mail is verastar64@hotmail.com if you want to write.
Until next time: CARPE DIEM,yup!
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